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We offer a True Beginning to justice involved women and their families by assisting them with overcoming barriers that prevent them from reclaiming their rightful place in American society.




True Beginnings envisions a deeply grounded reentry process for women during and post-incarceration as a means to deincarceration and the dismantling of a system that perpetuates violence against women.


Who We Are

After more than five years of operating in Virginia, True-Beginnings launched in Las Vegas in 2019. Founder and CEO Vera Moore, a formerly incarcerated Black woman, has leveraged her own experience with the system and reentry to inform both the organization’s direct services and advocacy work. Guided by formerly incarcerated women, we aim to be responsive to the growing and evolving needs of impacted women and their families. While engaging key stakeholders, we complement the support we provide and make fundamental systemic changes that will translate to decreased incarceration and recidivism (i.e., reincarceration) rates and a system accountable to the communities it has harmed. 



What We Do

True Beginnings addresses trauma in-the-midst of housing and job readiness as the first order of business in assisting women through transitioning from incarceration into a productive lifestyle. We also advocate for change systems to end the harm done by the current criminal legal system. We provide housing for formerly incarcerated women in tandem with comprehensive reentry programs focusing on education, employment, healing, and leadership development through advocacy opportunities.


Focused on Housing Homeless Women with their children-nonprofit


It is not our job to judge. Our job is not to figure out if someone deserves something. Our job is to lift the fallen, restore the broken, and heal the hurting. - Joel Osteen

A Huge Thank You to Our Sponsors


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True Beginnings is a registered nonprofit, contributions are tax-deductible.


Donations help us provide housing and services at little to no cost to our clients.


True Beginnings does not sell or share any information provided with any third party sources outside of client agreement.

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